American Cotswold Record Association

The Original Registry Of Purebred Cotswold Sheep

Tests vs. Other Breeds

(Background of this page is an actual photo of super-lustrous Cotswold fleece)


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Here are the results of typical tests from the days when universities still rated Cotswolds against other breeds.

Bear in mind that modern scientific rations had not yet been fully worked out, so all these breeds would greatly improve in feed efficiency today.

Comparison of Breeds for Mutton & Wool Production

Breed Avg.
Lbs. of Feed
Per 100 Lbs. Gain
Avg. Wt.
Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Grain Hay Roots Percent Lbs.


78 0.40 39.2 483 451 279 55.3 5.7
Shropshire 95 0.41 40.6 500 476 306 54.6 8.3
Dorset 92 0.45 44.8 485 494 286 53.4 6.4
Suffolk 105 0.47 46.3 492 493 280 53.1 6.4
Oxford 107 0.46 45.2 499 500 311 52.6 9.5
Leicester 109 0.48 47.2 465 462 293 54.8 10.3
Cotswold 102 0.55 54.5 418 411 249 54.2 11.3
Lincoln 108 0.50 49.7 457 451 270 53.4 11.7
Merino 78 32.4 32.4 573 509 345 50.7 8.2
Wilson & Curtiss (Iowa Bulletins 33 & 35) at the Iowa Station finished wethers of different breeds on the same rations in 2 trials, lasting 90 days & 105 days, respectively---results here are averaged between the two trials.  First trial, 10 twelve-month old wethers in each lot; second trial 9, averaging 9 months old.  Natl. Delaine Merinos in first trial, Rambouillets in second.  Note Cotswolds had best daily gain, best total gain, least grain & hay per 100 lbs. gain, respectable and fleece carcass weights.

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Value of Ram Breeds for Crossing On Western Ewes

Sire Breed Number
Per 100 Lbs. Gain
Carcass Wt.*
Cotswold 55 77 0.36 524 52.4
Oxford 53 82 0.34 543 52.9
Hampshire 55 80 0.31 587 53.4
Shropshire 57 73 0.31 575 53.2
Southdown 53 72 0.25 564 53.1
Rambouillet 53 72 0.31 563 54.2

*Average of 3 years

Wilson (South Dakota Bul. 127) split 60 Montana-bred yearling ewes into 6 lots, breeding each lot to an average-quality ram of each of the breeds shown here.  The test spanned six years, each lot being bred to the next breed of ram on the list in each succeeding year.  Lambs grazed bluegrass & rape pastures until frost, then finished on a mix of 100 lbs. corn, 100 lbs. oats, 25 lbs. linseed meal, plus all the upland prairie hay they would eat.  Cotswold-sired lambs made the largest and most economical gain and led in fleece value.  In dressing percentage, they were lowest, perhaps due to heavier fleece weights than any other sire breed on the list.

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Last Updated: 05/09/2011
©2009 by the American Cotswold Record Association
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