American Cotswold Record Association

The Original Registry Of Purebred Cotswold Sheep

Other Longwool Sheep

(Background of this page is an actual photo of super-lustrous Cotswold fleece)


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Differences Between Cotswold & Teeswater Sheep

In appearance, the Teeswater has a "bluer" face, having dark pigmentation starting from the nose and continuing well up the face, of a gray-blue cast, or dark brown, and also the same color around its eyes.

The Teeswater is not a "Hill Breed" like the Cotswold, which is why it needs more careful feeding for good success, though probably not higher feeding than other Longwool sheep.  

The Cotswold is less fecund and somewhat larger.

The Cotswold's wool fibers are stouter--better for tapestries and warp threads.

The Cotswold's meat has marbling in the lean, making it a luxury dining experience, though it can be raised lean, by keeping it to a diet of grasses and grass hays that other longwools couldn't thrive on.

Most Cotswold sheep have a calmer disposition than the Teeswater, which can revert almost to feral nature only a few short weeks after training reinforcement is dropped.

Differences Between Cotswold & Wensleydale Sheep

American Cotswold sheep were drafted into assisting the Wensleydale breed's recent introduction in the U.S.  Cotswolds were artificially inseminated using British Wensleydale semen, though unfortunately with a care that the Cotswold is listed as a rare and endangered breed by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC).

The "American Wensleydale" appears (so far) to require more careful attention and labor than the Cotswold.

It shows a tighter, smaller curl in the wool locks and a more "frame-y" build than the Cotswold.  The Wensleydale face/nose shows similar characteristics to the Teeswater (see the remarks on Teeswaters and Cotswolds, above).

The Cotswold is blockier in body, though around the same weight at maturity or a little lighter, hardier of constitution, has stouter fiber--better for tapestries and warp threads--and the Cotswold tolerates being kept on much more economical feeds and hay.

Most Cotswold sheep have a calmer disposition than the Wensleydale, which can revert almost to feral nature only a very few short weeks after training reinforcement is relaxed.  

Wensleydale sheep are much more susceptible to internal parasite damage than the Cotswold, though any sheep is less resistance to stomach and intestinal worms when it's under 1 year old.

Differences Between Cotswold & Romney Sheep

The Cotswold's wool is longer and more lustrous than the Romney.  The Romney's fleece is much more lustrous than many other breeds, but is not considered a true "luster wool."

The Cotswold is also usually larger, and its head is smaller in relation to its body.

The Cotswold matures a bit later than the Romney, making it possible to hold unsold lambs over into their second year with practically no detectable change in meat flavor.  This allows growers to keep Cotswold sheep "on the hoof" until customers are ready for more.

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Last Updated: 05/09/2011
©2009 by the American Cotswold Record Association
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